Buried Beneath Jesus


By Xavier James

I once asked a devout Christian why he said “Amen” at the end of his prayers. He told me that it was taught to him as a child by the pastor of his mother’s church. So, I asked the pastor of his mother’s church the same question. He told me that “Amen” meant it’s finished, or I’m done. He was wrong. I then asked him if he’d ever heard of Ahmenhotep or Amen Ra? He said “no,” and I immediately realized a majority of the Christians in America had a lot of information hidden from them; but most notably the black Christians. And here’s why:

The indigenous brown and dark skin peoples living in what we now call America were in fact not Christians before the arrival of Christopher Columbus in 1492. Why is it that after Columbus’ arrival the God they served was no longer good enough? It is a fact that the lying, rapist, pedophile Christopher Columbus forced Christianity upon the native populations. Black folks in America today are Christians mostly because of Columbus, which still brings into question the validity of their religion and the source of their conversion. Today, black people saying that they are Christians are in fact saying that Columbus was right and their own ancestors were wrong. Columbus will tell you as much. Go and read his captains log for yourself.

Black Americans do not research but instead accept the word of a gang of mercenaries who until the 1490’s thought the world was flat. A vast number of black folks will say “listen to the message and not the messenger.” Well guess who sent Columbus? The Pope; physically the Queen of Spain but psychologically the church, for a long time, blessed his murder and enslavement of the black (native) populations. Of course some of you will take issue with my statement calling the natives that were living here “Black people.” Fact is; one of the biggest myths in American history is that all black people came here on slave ships from Africa. That is an outright lie. A vast majority of the black people in America today are the descendants of the people Columbus found when he arrived hundreds of years ago. Sure millions of black Africans were kidnapped from Africa and bought here to work but there were millions already here when Columbus arrived. The tribes he never saw, captured or enslaved lived on, and today so do their children. Natives who refused to live on reservations or left the reservation for any reason were always classified as “Negro” to prevent them or their children from someday claiming land or title.

Was Columbus right? It is utter stupidity to serve a god and accept the words of people who hated and enslaved you. Since every Christian who came after Columbus believed and acted as he did (slavery and segregation) Christianity should feel like a curse word coming out of the mouth of every black person in America. If the God your great, great, great, great grandparents served wasn’t good enough before Columbus literally beat them over the head with the cross, tortured, threatened and coerced them into accepting Jesus Christ and Christianity, then what is? While some of you are just figuring out Columbus didn’t discover America or anything else for that matter, the rest of us already know that anything he said out of his mouth was also a lie. Columbus’ real legacy is slavery, disease and religion. And one would have to be a self hating, self debasing slave to want any of the three. To bow down to Columbus’ religion not only brings shame upon your own ancestors but keeps future generations his slaves forever.

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